The Euroasian Universities Association (EUA)
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  1993
Type of membership:  full-fledged member

Association of Finno-Ugric Universities (AFUU)
Areas of co-operation:  research, education, culture
Membership since:  2011
Type of membership:  full-fledged member

European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association (EBTNA)
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  2014
Type of membership:  Viktor V. Revin – EBTNA Representative in Russia, National Board

Associations of Russian-Azerbaijani Universities
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  2015
Type of membership:  full-fledged member

Russian-Kyrgyz Consortium of Technical Universities
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  2016
Type of membership:  full-fledged member

Association of Universities of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation and the Provinces of the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River of the People's Republic of China
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  2017
Type of membership:  full-fledged member

International University Consortium for Agricultural Engineering
Areas of co-operation:  research, education
Membership since:  2019
Type of membership:  full-fledged member