Mordovia State University as a national research university, by pursuing research, learning, enlightening, in partnership with leaders, finds its mission in creating a new reality, shaping an active and creative personality orientated toward entrepreneurial thinking, ensuring the global competitiveness of the region and the country.
The vision of the future university lies in becoming a leading centre of education, research and a driver of socio-economic development of the macroregion by utilising digital technologies in the new knowledge economy, to create an effective adaptive model of comprehensive development of the learner's personality, ensuring his/her global competitiveness in a dynamically changing world. The University will be open to all and unique for each learner.
The objective of the University development until 2030 relies on the core value - the uniqueness and individuality of each person.
The integral strategic goal of the University is to create a university that is competitive in the global scientific and educational space through obtaining new knowledge, creating new products and technologies, forming an entrepreneurial culture; a university offering solutions to the problems of staff, socio-economic and technological development of the region and the country.
This Quality Assurance Policy, by way of achieving the main objective, envisages:
- training of mid-level professionals, bachelor degree, specialist diploma and master degree graduates, qualified scientific and pedagogical staff of continuing education (clinical residents, PhD and higher doctorate students), who are sought after and competitive in the global labour market; learners of post-secondary non tertiary education (lyceum) on the basis of differentiation of their content, taking into account educational needs and interests for the subsequent successful mastery of the corresponding line of educational programmes of higher education (bachelor's degree/specialist – master's degree – postgraduate/clinical residency – higher doctorate);
- leadership and personal responsibility of University managers at all administrative levels, assurance of a clear understanding of tasks, duties, powers and responsibilities by each such employee;
- enhancement of the quality of methodological, material and technical, informational and staffing provision for education, research and innovation activities;
- creation of conditions for the raise of learners' satisfaction in intellectual, cultural and spiritual development, contributing to the growth of students' concern in furthering the level and quality of their knowledge;
- creation and development of motivational mechanisms that ensure the raise of employees' responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of their activities;
- life-long professional development of the teaching staff, staffing of structural divisions with qualified, competent and professionally trained employees who are able to ensure the high quality of the work performed;
- integration of the University with the global educational space through international collaboration and partnership;
- continuous enhancement of efficiency and productivity of the quality management system;
- active creation of the University image as a leading centre of science and education in the modern information and media space.
The quality assurance policy complies with the University's Development Strategy and serves as the basis for implementing its Mission, setting quality goals, applicable requirements and is orientated to administer to consumer expectations in the field of training highly professional staff, and also handles the requests of the professional community and is open to it.
The leadership of the University undertakes a commitment to inform all internal and external concerned parties, of this Policy and is responsible for creating conditions conducive to achieving the goals of the University and implementation of this Policy, development and continuous improvement of the quality management system as a whole.