The first intake of students to the Faculty of Law under the Mordovia State University in the academic specialism «Jurisprudence science /Legal science» took place in November 29, 1976. This year, a division of legal studies (headed by M.S. Bukin) was carved out from the Faculty of History and Geography. Kazan, Leningrad and Moscow State Universities were instrumental in the formation of human resources, educational and methodological facilities of that division. In 1978, the Legal studies division was transformed into the Faculty of Law. It is in the first years of the Faculty's development that its key departments were established: Theory and History of State and Law (October 12, 1976); Administrative Law and Theory of Public Administration (January 23, 1980); Criminal Law and Process (December 4, 1980); Civil law and Process (June 30, 1983). Since 1981, the year of first graduation, the Faculty of Law has released hundreds of legal specialists for the Republic of Mordovia and beyond. Graduates of the Faculty of Law are sought after by law enforcement agencies, the Courts, the Attorneyship, public authorities and local self-government, economic entities. The Faculty’s graduates are prominent figures in various branches of law and law enforcement system of the Republic of Mordovia and beyond. On 2 of October, 2022, the Faculty of Law was transformed into Law Institute. At the present stage, the Law Institute is a recognised centre of legal education and science in the Republic of Mordovia, offering not only tuition at all learning levels, but also a range of practice-oriented supplementary educational programmes of further education in relevant areas of jurisprudence.
Apart from academic departments the Institute also incorporatesResources and facilitie
• two academic laboratories «Criminalistics testing range» and Digital Photography;• Centre for European and International Law;• interregional Finno-Ugric Centre and Laboratory of Ethnic Legal studies;• Centre for the History of State and Law of the Republic of Mordovia;• Research centres for digitalisation of law and medical law;
• Science and education centre of advocacy;• Legal clinic;• Library of limited access.