Education level:
Bachelor degree
Educational standard 3++:
Profile 3++:
  • Criminal law concentration

Length of curriculum:
Intramural/Full-time: 4 года
Evening classes: 4 года 6 мес
Extramural/Part-time: 5 лет
Education level:
Specialist diploma
Educational standard:
Educational standard 3++:
Subject-specialism 3++:
  • Police administrative activity

Length of curriculum:
Intramural/Full-time: 5
Extramural/Part-time: 6
Education level:
Master degree
Educational standard 3++:
Profile 3++:
  • Constitutional and legal regulation of public authority
  • Theory and history of State and Law, history of legal doctrines
  • Criminal law and process
  • Legal technologies

Length of curriculum:
Intramural/Full-time: 2
Extramural/Part-time: 2г 6 мес