National Research Mordovia State University in «Priority 2030»: projects outputs, year in review
National Research Mordovia State University in «Priority 2030»: projects outputs

The project «New generation materials and energy saving»:

The University scholars developed test technologies for production of a number of biological products and materials for biomedicine and the food industry.
Negotiations are underway with two companies to launch the technology of production of porous glass ceramics.
The University construction engineers obtained concretes with self-sealing effect, biocidal materials to protect building structures from the effects of bacteria and viruses.
Technologies for the production of lightweight concrete and thermal insulation panels with ultra-low thermal conductivity have also been developed.
Heat engineers developed technology for reducing the heat consumption of buildings using a pulse heat supply system. This system has been implemented in the University buildings and has shown efficiency at 18%. The technology is being successfully implemented in the heating systems of the region.
A technique for obtaining a new generation of catalysts to be used for producing cheap green hydrogen has been tested.

The project «Photonics, functional electronics, digital solutions and artificial intelligence»:

The local JSC «Optical Fiber systems», together with the University launched a system of continuous training of personnel «secondary school — university».
The education and research laboratory for optical fiber production technologies was jointly organised, the University-based optical fiber drawing tower was put into operation, the technology of covert marking of optical fibers was developed and covered by a patent. The University has become one of the centres for coordinating the development of domestic laser ceramics.

The project «Medicine of the future: targeted pharmacotherapy and health-saving technologies»:

The research focuses on the development of innovative medicines in cooperation with JSC Promomed. Together with Promomed, the University biologists brought to clinical practice Covid-19 medicines and developed guided delivery products for target tumor therapy.
A transdermal delivery system of medicines and monoclonal antibody-based drugs are being developed.

The SMART AGRO project:

The University together with its Institute of Mechanics and Power Engineering established the Centre for new repair techniques applied to parts, components, units of transport and technological machinery manufactured abroad.
On commission from agro-holdings of Mordovia region the University scientists pursue research into domestic fodder additives to substitute those manufactured abroad. Preparations are already underway for their industrial production.
The last but not the least in agricultural endeavours is research on plant growth stimulants and plant protection using biological substances. The research is sponsored by four interested companies.